LGA wins athletics competition

Congratulations to our athletes from years 7, 8 and 9 for winning the Yarmouth schools athletics competition on Tuesday, 28 June 2022!

Over 70 Lynn Grove athletes made their way to the Wellesley, seven weeks of training sessions and after school events culminating in the ‘full day’ competition. There was an individual year group competition, an overall winner’s competition and individual event medals for athletes coming 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

Their spirits were high and as before they supported each other throughout the day and fully engaged in every event. The results are amazing: 72 individual medals, Year 7 came overal second whilst 8 and 9 won their year group competitions. In the end Lynn Grove finished 3 points ahead of Charter Academy and took home the trophy!

Many thanks to everyone in the PE department and everyone who supported the youngsters during their preparation and on the day.

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