Careers and Guidance information for parents

In line with the requirements and expectations as laid out by the Department for Education for Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (2018), Lynn Grove Academy provides the below programme of careers, employability and enterprise education from Year 7 to 11. The activities are all linked to the Gatsby Benchmarks and the Careers and Development Institute’s framework.

To support your child in finding out about their future options there are a number of online careers platforms that we use in school that you can access at home too.


We also recommend the below websites for getting reliable and accurate information about careers, post-16 education and advice and guidance at moments of choice. Click on the logos to access the sites.

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As listed in our programme above we rely on our business and voluntary sectors to support our careers, employability and enterprise programme. Should you or your work place wish to offer support to any of the events outlined in the curriculum, please get in touch with Heidi Cullingham, we welcome your support to help widen our pupils’ knowledge of the local labour market. 

Information and feedback from pupils, parents, staff and our external partners about events and opportunities for careers, employability and enterprise are through website. Pupils are encouraged to keep records of how they are developing their personal and employability skills using the Start platform.

How we evaluate the careers programme?

Information regarding destination trends of our pupils is available on request from our Careers Leader.  The information is reviewed at the end of each academic year and the impact of the programme is measured by the Trust in terms of pupils’ destinations. The school monitors its provision through analysis of pupils’ responses and satisfaction, Compass +  and our destination data.