Reports and Data

GCSE Results 2024 Summary 

Percentage of pupils achieving a standard pass (grade 4 or above): in English and Maths 69% 
Percentage of pupils achieving a strong pass (grade 5 or above):  in English and Maths 39.8%  

Percentage of pupils achieving a standard pass (grade 4 or above): inEnglish82% 
Percentage of pupils achieving a strong pass (grade 5 or above): in English 69%  

Percentage of pupils achieving a standard pass (grade 4 or above): inMaths73% 
Percentage of pupils achieving a strong pass (grade 5 or above):  in Maths 55%  

Percentage of pupils entered for the English Baccalaureate at the end of KS4: 33%

Percentage of pupils acheiving English Baccalaureate at the end of KS4: 15.7%

English Baccalaureate (Ebacc)Score (English, Maths, Science, languages and humanities subjects):  4.15

Progress 8 Score: +0.18

Attainment 8 Score: 45.89

Percentage of pupils staying in education or employment after KS4: 97.0% (Feb 2023)