Our Curriculum

We want every pupil to leave Lynn Grove with excellent exam results; that is why we offer an exciting and varied curriculum.  We know that every learner can be successful if we find the way to tap into their interests with an imaginative approach to teaching and we believe that every child deserves to choose from a wide range of subjects.

Our curriculum is rooted in the National Curriculum and therefore gives pupils knowledge and skills needed in order to take advantage of opportunities in later life. Our curriculum remains as broad as possible for as long as possible.  A wide mix of vocational and academic options in KS4 give pupils choice and is linked to local opportunity and pursuing academic excellence.

The documents below give full details of the curriculum that is taught to Lynn Grove pupils. If you would like further information please contact Darren Carter at enquiries@lynngroveacademy.org.uk .

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 9 Curriculum Choices

We believe that year 9 is the right time to decide which courses pupils will study to GCSE and BTec. We support our learners and their families throughout process with an in depth interview with a member of the senior team. Please take a look at our option booklet to see a list of current GCSE and other courses offered and how to find out more.


The careers curriculum at Lynn Grove Academy provides a stable careers programme where all students are provided with the opportunity to prepare for their transition into the ever-changing world of work. Students will have encounters with a range of employers, workplaces, colleges and sixth forms both in and out of lessons and have careers explicitly taught in PSHE. We are also committed to every young person meeting with a personal guidance adviser to help them make sense of the information they receive and support their decision-making processes.