Safeguarding at Lynn Grove Academy

Lynn Grove Academy and Creative Education Trust are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our students. Our professional and dedicated staff and Academy Council all share this commitment. Our school has policies and procedures in place for safeguarding our pupils, all of which are in accordance with local authority and statutory guidance. The school also adheres to safer recruitment guidelines.

The Lynn Grove Academy Safeguarding Team

We are dedicated to keep our children safe in education and work in close partnership with other agencies including: local health services, the health authority and social services, all of which share our commitment in safeguarding children and young adults.

Kirsty Gardiner

Designated Safeguarding Lead – Assistant Principal

Kate Vince

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and key worker for LAC

Emma Austin

Alternate Designated Safeguarding Lead – First Aider

If you have any safeguarding concerns, no matter how small they may seem about the safety or welfare of any child please contact the School’s designated safeguarding lead, Mrs Kirsty Gardiner on 01493 661406 or email


If you are worried about a child or young person

If you want to talk to a social worker, you can contact Norfolk Children’s Advice and Duty Service at the number below.  If you are concerned that by calling you may be put in a difficult position, you can make a referral anonymously.


  • 0344 800 8020 – you will then be presented with further options depending on the nature of the enquiry
  • Emergency Police: 999  
  • Police Non-Emergency: 101
  • Childline 0800 1111

Parent Safeguarding Updates

The StudentVoice.Co.Uk

We encourage pupils at Lynn Grove to share any worries they have with a member of staff.  For pupils who have a concern that they would like to share with us discretely we subscribe to the Student Voice website.  Pupils can access the customised Lynn Grove site from their school dashboard (Student links page).  The Student Voice is a great tool for us to use to support each other keeping safe.

Wellbeing and Healthy Minds

At Lynn Grove Academy we strive to ensure all students are supported, so they are able to achieve their full potential. We support students’ wellbeing and healthy minds through both our curriculum and pastoral support. This support allows the school as a whole and each individual classroom to be a safe space where students feel supported and understood.

It is vitally important that children and young adults are encouraged and supported to look after their mental health and wellbeing. We have shared some resources, links and guidance below from a range of mental health organisations offering advice in many different areas.

Just one Norfolk is one of the most useful websites currently for online advice and support on a range of issues. The website provides many different services from healthy lifestyles to staying safe and emotional health.

Kooth is a free safe and anonymous place for young people to find support. A service commissioned by the Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust, it is available for all young people in Norfolk aged 11-25. There are many different features are available such as Kooth Magazine, Discussion boards, chat with the team and a daily journal. Please see the video for more information.

The Anna Freud Centre is a world leading mental health Charity for children, young people and their families. They offer direct support, through the AFC Crisis messenger, which is a text service that is free and confidential. This is available 24/7 for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or struggling to cope.

Additional links of support

Useful links and documents

Website LinkContact NumberAbout
Childline0800 11 1124 hour helpline
NSPCC0800 800 500024-hour child helpline
The Proud Trust0161 660 3347LGBT and youth support
Cancer Support0808 800 1234Cancer support line
Crime Victims0845 303 0900Victim support
Crime Stoppers0800 555 111Crime prevention
Missing Persons0500 700 700Parents helpline
Samaritans08457 90 90 9024-hour suicide prevent line
Stop Smoking0800 00 22 00Quitting helpline 9am-9pm
Kidscape020 7730 3300Bullying & how to cope
Youth Access020 8772 9900Discuss issues confidentially
CALM0800 58 58 58Helpline for boys aged 15+
Anxiety UK08444 775 774Anxiety helpline
MIND0300 123 3393Mental health helpline
CAMHS0300 123 1882Child mental health
Child Loss UK0800 028 8840Child bereavement helpline
RELATE0300 100 1234Relationships help
Bereavement UK0800 634 9494Bereavement help
Young Minds0800 802 5544Emotional help
Beat Youth Line0808 801 0711Eating disorder helpline
Papyrus0800 088 4141Young suicide prevention
OCD UK0845 120 3778OCD help
Mental Health Foundation020 7803 1100Mental health issues helpline
No Panic0844 967 4848Help with anxiety disorders
Grief Encounter0808 802 0111Help for bereaved children
UK Safer Internet Centre0344 800 2382Help keep your child safe online
Anti-Bullying AllianceUnited against bullying
Kooth InformationParent information regarding Kooth
My Family CoachParenting Support
Operation EncompassDomestic Violence
Digital LivesTips for encouraging open discussions about Digital Lives yourself online
Disrespect Nobody CampaignInformation on Healthy Relationships
Nude ImagesInformation about children sharing nude images
Knife CrimeInformation about Knife Crime
Preventing Online Radicalisation and ExtremismParent Courses on Radicalisation and Extremism