Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Our care for children who require additional support to make good progress is personalised and flexible. We work closely with the young people and their families who experience particular challenges at school. Our SEN department is led by our SENCO, Miss Anna Bentley, who is supported by a team of experienced, well-qualified and specialist learning support assistants.

We believe in nurturing pupils and guiding them towards ever increasing independence at the pace that is right for them. We work with primary schools and parents from year 5 to establish an individualised approach that ensures a smooth transition to secondary school.  We customise our induction process for every child with additional needs so that everyone gets off to a confident start.  As our pupils prepare to for the next stage of their education we plan equally carefully so that they continue to be successful.

For children who feel they would benefit, we offer nurture support during the school day,  after school with home work and during the holidays.

Excellent teaching meets the needs of all the learners in the class and our teachers  understand their responsibility to ensure that every child makes good progress. We have access to good quality training and expert guidance from a range of specialist practitioners.

As a school community we celebrate each others’ differences and support each other to progress. We are justifiably proud of our pupil mentors who work to assist our children through the transition to high school and on a day to day basis in school.

For more information please look at the SEN/D information report.

For further advice and guidance around supporting your child with SEND parents can visit the Norfolk SENDIASS website on https://www.norfolksendiass.org.uk/