Anti-bullying Ambassadors
Keen to contribute to the community ethos at LGA at group of year 10 pupils volunteered earlier this year to take part in the Anti-bullying Ambassador scheme. Endorsed by the late Princess Diana, the anti-bullying ambassador scheme trains young people to understand what bullying is, to identify bullying when they see and gives the ambassadors strategies to help other young people experiencing bullying.
So what have our ambassadors achieved so far:
- They have led anti bullying assemblies
- The have contributed a ‘Monday ethos video’ on the theme of anti bullying
- They have represented the pupil body on the school’s Health and Safety Committee
- They have supported the Anti-bullying Message Competition with publicity and by judging the competition
- They have a voice on the Student Leadership Team
- They have collected pupils’ views about how they would like the team to have an impact.
The group are planning some interesting and we hope impactful next steps – so watch this space.