The Importance of Punctuality


Good punctuality is an excellent life-skill and we expect all our pupils to arrive in school before 8:30am. For parents/carers who have other children to drop off, or have to be at work early etc. we open the academy for pupils from 7:30am. Many pupils take advantage of this by attending breakfast club, catching up with friends in the atrium or using the library before school. For any pupil who arrives after 8:28am, we operate ‘late gates’ and pupils will be issued a sanction at lunchtime that day.

As a parent, I can help by: As a school, we will help by:As a pupil, I can help by:
Contacting the school when your child will be absent.Following up on every absence ensuring that no absence goes un-noted.Attending school every day, on time, to give you the very best chance of success.
Booking doctors and dentist appointments outside of school hours where possible. Where not possible by ensuring your child attends school before the appointment.Acknowledging and rewarding good attendance and punctuality.Participate in the form and year group competitions for attendance and punctuality.
Supporting your child to attend as often as possible by reminding them on the importance of school attendance.Reminding parents and pupils about the importance of attendance and how it is measured against attainment. 
Ensuring your child arrives at school by 8:28am each morning.Letting parents know if we have concerns regarding their child’s attendance and punctuality.